Headless Canada Goose Decoys


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Headless Canada Goose Decoys


Product Details

SKU: HL-CAN-1 Categories: ,



Headless Canada decoys look from above like honkers with their heads down, feeding on waste grain. Headless decoys are most popular with lesser Canada goose hunters. They use large spreads of several hundred honker decoys. Up to 75% of headless honker decoys are not uncommon when running these mega spreads. Here in the upper Midwest, we hunt giant Canada geese, and the decoy spreads usually are smaller (4-20 dozen). We typically run only headed decoys when we run less than five dozen. Once we bump the number up, we mix in 25-35% headless decoys.  

The printing on our new Canada goose bodies is unmatched. The feather detail is better because of our expensive higher-resolution printing process. The dimensions of the Canada goose decoy bodies are 11” W X 19” L. Each body has three holes punched into the bottom to allow water drainage.

BACKBONE™ SUPPORT: All of our decoys, including the headless honker decoys, come standard with our Patent No-Break BackBone™ Support. 

STAKE OPTIONS: There are three stake options: 1/4″ fiberglass stakes (either 24” or 36” long) or 3/16 stainless steel stakes (24” long). There are merits to each type of stake, which is best is more of a personal preference. We use the Tall Stakes (36”) to help conceal laydown blinds or pits. They also work well in shallow water setups. All fiberglass stakes come with black push-nut tops.

COMPACT: The nice thing about headless decoys is that they are compact. Layered properly, 150 fully assembled headless Canada goose decoys in our windsock decoy bag take up the same space as two full-body decoys. It is a simple and easy way to store and transport your spread. Fully packed, the decoy bag is the size of a large duffle bag.

Features Include:

  • Patented No-Break Backbone™ Support
  • Choose Between 24” Stake Options: Powder Coated Stainless Steel or Fiberglass with Push Nut Cap.
  • Tyvek® Body: Waterproof – Rot Proof – Detailed Color Print
  • Space Saving: 150 headless windsocks take up the space of 2 Full Bodies
  • Motion Decoy

We offer bulk pricing on large orders. It applies to all our products. Please call us at 563-382-4883 for a quote. We would be happy to assist you.

