Canada Goose Flyer Decoys


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Canada Goose Flyer Decoys

From: $39.99

Product Details



Important Note: Flyer requires a separate pole kit. Flyer Pole Kits are SOLD SEPARATELY. 


Canada Goose Flyer Decoys:

Deadly Decoys® Canada Goose Flyer Decoys are another tool for the toolbox. Do you use T-flags or Pole Kites to get the attention of geese? Our Canada goose flyers mounted to our flyer pole kits work similarly but with some advantages. First, you can run them as a single, pair, or flock, as many or as few as you like. Second, the geese key on the flyers. This allows the goose hunter to get the bird’s attention away from his hide and steer them right in front of the hunters. If the first flock didn’t do it right, hunters could quickly adjust the flyers to achieve the perfect shot. 


Deadly Decoys® flyers add movement to a decoy spread—no matter what type of decoys you hunt with, full-bodies, silhouettes, floaters, or windsocks. Our flyer decoy complements them all. 


One of the best things we like about adding Canada Goose Flyers to a decoy spread is that it now looks different than the other decoy spreads the geese see. When you hunt stale birds in a pressured area – A different presentation is sometimes all it takes to get a better result!



During transport, the wings collapse, making them very packable. If hunting a landing flock set with many flyers, we carry them in our Deadly Decoys® Windsock Decoy Bag. A backpack or tool bag is a good option for one or two. 



All the flyers Deadly Decoys® are designed for use with our Flyer Pole Kits (sold separately). The flyer poles have different heights for different hunting situations. The standard size is 4 feet, but we also sell six and 8-foot lengths. If you use all one height, it looks like a flock making a pass over the spread. Another option is to use varying sizes, which look like birds landing. The bouncer arm, the part that holds the flyer, is the magic of the flyer pole kit. It gives the flyers side-to-side movement in the wind.


Sold Individually or SAVE by purchasing 6.


✅Flyer Pole Kits Sold Separately: 

Why do we sell them Separately?

Each hunter has different hunting situations. A 4-foot pole kit might work for one hunter, but a 4-foot pole would be underwater for another. They might need a six or 8-foot pole kit. Selling them separately, our customers can buy what will work for them.


Many pictures show the flyers on our flyer pole kits that come in 4, 6, or 8-ft lengths. Flyer Pole Kits are SOLD SEPARATELY.


Replacement Wing Spars:

Regular use will eventually necessitate wing spar replacements. Accidental breakage happens, too, so having a few spares while hunting is a good strategy. They’re affordable and easy to replace. Adding them to your order now saves you on shipping costs compared to ordering alone later. Stay prepared and maintain your decoys’ effectiveness! We sell a 10-pack.


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